Saratoga based dance instructor, Johnny Martinez, won the "Dancing with the Capital Region Stars" Friday night, October 18th. The event took place at the Desmond Hotel and featured professional partner dance instructors from the area paired with local celebrities and competing against each other. The evening attendance was 400 strong and included a wide range of dances such as: Swing, Waltz, Salsa and Cha Cha.

Johnny Maritinez, co-director of Tango Fusion Dance Studio in Saratoga, was partnered with former Channel 10 sports anchor Liana Bonavitta. They performend their award winning ChaCha to the song " Shut Up and Dance." Their first place routine included theater jazz, hip hop, lifts and ChaCha of course. This was the "Dancing with the Capital Region Stars" second successful year and it will be back next year.